112. The Influence Equation – With Kevin Kepple
About this Podcast
Ep. 112 – In this week’s episode of The Manager Track podcast, you’ll hear a conversation with Kevin Kepple on how to bring out the best in your employees, turning “sort of average” employees into Exceptional Contributors with the help of The Influence Equation. We also speak about Transformational Leadership and a bunch of other really useful, interesting topics.
Be sure to stay tuned until the end for a Reflection Question and Challenge posed for you by Kevin!
Kevin Kepple teaches leaders to unlock their leadership code by leveraging their unique genius. As a Gallup-certified strengths coach, Kevin has helped hundreds of leaders evolve to higher levels of excellence through his coaching. Kevin is a master coach and an expert at helping leaders become more without making them feel like less. He is also the host of the Unlock Your Freedom podcast.