138. 5 Common Blind Spots Leaders Uncover in their 360 Assessments
About this Podcast
Ep. 138 – Over the past couple of months, I have done numerous 360-degree assessments and debriefs with leaders across the ranks.
While the results are highly personalized based on the specific feedback from direct reports, colleagues and managers, there are also some themes that stand out to me as broader common challenges for leaders. In this episode, I’ll share with you my personal observations on what those are.
As we approach the holiday break, I invite you to listen to this episode and set aside some time to self-reflect on this past year and how you want to show up as a leader and grow in the new year. Think about your personal development goals and which of these 5 blind spots you might be impacted by as well as how you can address them in the new year.
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Don’t forget to invest time each week to increase your self-awareness, celebrate your wins, and learn from your mistakes. Your career grows only to the extent that you grow. Grab your Career Journal with leadership exercises and weekly reflections here: ramonashaw.com/shop
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00:00 Preview
01:55 Personal Inventory And Career Journaling
03:57 What Are 360 Assessments?
06:52 We Didn’t Know We Didn’t Know
09:06 Blind Spot #1 – Needing All The Answers
13:35 Blind Spot #2 – Being Too Negative
16:16 Blind Spot #3 – Not Delegating Enough
18:07 Blind Spot #4 – Not Giving Enough Praise
21:25 Blind Spot #5 – Not Advocating For Your Team
23:21 Recap