155. 4 Insights from Running a New Manager Training Program
About this Podcast
Ep. 155 – Over the last 4 years, we’ve built and evolved our new manager training program called the Leadership Accelerator and I took some time to reflect on the key insights learned during that time.
In this episode, we’ll discuss:
- Peer support vs. individual learning
- Mindset vs. skill training
- Good leadership vs. right leadership
- Isolated training vs. integrated training
- Take the next step in your leadership journey by signing up for my Leadership Accelerator Program for new managers or Leadership Advisory Program for mid-level leaders.
- Learn how to turn your 1-on-1 meetings from time wasters, awkward moments, status updates, or non-existent into your most important and valuable meeting with your directs all week. Access the course and resources here: ramonashaw.com/11
- Have a question or topic you’d like Ramona to address on a future episode? Fill out this form to submit it for her review: https://ramonashaw.com/ama
Grab your copy of Ramona’s best-selling new book ‘The Confident & Competent New Manager: How to Rapidly Rise to Success in Your First Leadership Role’: amzn.to/3TuOdcP
If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @ramona.shaw.leadership or DM me on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/ramona-shaw
Are you in your first manager role and don’t want to mess it up? Watch our FREE Masterclass and discover the 4 shifts to become a leader people love to work for: ramonashaw.com/masterclass
Don’t forget to invest time each week to increase your self-awareness, celebrate your wins, and learn from your mistakes. Your career grows only to the extent that you grow. Grab your Career Journal with leadership exercises and weekly reflections here: ramonashaw.com/shop
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00:00 Preview
01:03 What is the New Manager Training Program?
03:14 Four Insights From Running The Program
06:03 1) Peer support matters more than you might think
11:03 2) Mindset is underestimated and skill training is overestimated
14:42 3) You need to know what good leadership looks like, but also recognize for yourself what good leadership means to you
18:08 4) Topics need to be interconnected
20:22 Recap