157. Retain Employees Who Didn’t Get Promoted
About this Podcast
Ep. 157 – As a manager, delivering disappointing news to an employee who was expecting a promotion but didn’t receive one can be difficult. Retaining and supporting employees in this situation is crucial, especially if you want to prevent them from considering other job opportunities as recruiting messages start landing in their inbox on LinkedIn.
In my coaching conversations with clients, the topic of employee retention often comes up when discussing promotions. It’s understandable that both the employee and the manager would feel frustrated when a promotion falls through after working towards it, especially if you’ve been the one coaching them along their career path.
In this episode of The Manager Track podcast, I will share how to effectively handle the situation when a direct report doesn’t get promoted, and how you can support them as they process the news. I will also share tactical steps you can take to retain your team members. By implementing these approaches, you can help your employee navigate disappointment while demonstrating your commitment to their development and career growth.
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00:00 Preview
01:01 Introduction
06:52 Acknowledge their disappointment
08:12 Be as transparent as you can
11:46 Understand the 5 step cycle of grief
15:57 Tactical next steps to retain your employee
19:49 Recap