Decision-Making for Managers: The Fallacy of Consensus

251. Decision-Making for Managers: The Fallacy of Consensus

Decision-Making for Managers: The Fallacy of Consensus

About this Episode

Ep. 251 – Many leaders believe that it’s important for them to get agreement from others before making a decision. Yet this consensus-focused approach often results in delayed projects, diluted ideas, and teams that only appear aligned on the surface.

In this episode, Ramona Shaw examines how the pursuit of consensus, while well-intentioned, can actually hinder team performance and decision-making. She shares practical insights from her work with startups and established organizations where consensus-seeking had unexpected consequences and what to do instead.

Ramona explores:

– The natural appeal of consensus and why it feels right

– What really happens in meetings when everyone seems to agree

– The connection between consensus and conflict avoidance

– A clear framework for when to seek agreement – and when not to

If you believe that a group of people with diverse perspectives makes for a better team, then aiming for actual consensus is a misdirected effort.

Watch it on YouTube HERE.

Reflective Questions:

– When has seeking agreement slowed down an important project?

– What decisions could have been made faster without full consensus?

– How often do team discussions end in safe but uninspiring compromises?

– Does quick agreement in meetings reflect true alignment or something else?

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  1. What recent decisions got watered down because too many people needed to agree?
  2. How do “consensus” discussions change when senior leaders share their opinion first?
  3. When was the last time you chose consensus over making a clear decision yourself?


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  • Have a question or topic you’d like Ramona to address on a future episode? Fill out this form to submit it for her review:
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