5 Ways To Support Someone Who Feels Crushed By Their Job

Today, I have something special for you.

It’s a brand new year and most people are excited to kickstart the year and start implementing their ideas, goals, and inspirations.

But… there are also people who weren’t at all looking forward to getting back to work after the long and relaxing holiday break.

They may even have had some anxiety about returning to the office.. or simply don’t feel inspired or excited to start working towards the goals set out for 2019.

If you know someone who feels that way, then please, please read on because this is such an important topic.

I believe that as a leader, a peer, or a friend we have a responsibility to help those who need some extra support or motivation along the way.

And for that reason, I’ve asked my friend and the amazing coach Lindsay Gordon (from A Life of Options) to share her ideas on how to support someone who feels crushed by their job.

It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Lindsay!

Here is what she has to say:

First off, if you know someone who is crushed and are watching the struggle without knowing how to support the person they care about, then that can be a really tough position to find yourself in.

I want to help relieve you of your feelings of helplessness with a couple resources and steps you can take:


I’ve put together a list of my favorite books that have changed the way I think about careers.

There are books that help reset expectations about the pressures we put on our job, give reminders that almost no one has a grand plan for their career, reframe dysfunctional beliefs about your career and design a really structured job search of today.


If they prefer a hands-on approach, I put together a series of exercises here with the spreadsheet genius of the guys at UltraWorking.

These exercises can help them learn about their values, assess their current role and make changes and know what working conditions they need in order to thrive.


The Muse is a fantastic career resource in general, and I love that they have career coaches you can consult with on a variety of topics.

So, if your friend is struggling with job search strategy or they’re stuck in a rut or they just want to do a 30-minute career Q&A, you could connect them with someone who can help.


I also want to mention an incredible resource for anyone dealing with workplace issues that would benefit from speaking with a trained counselor.

Empower Work is a free, anonymous, and immediate text chat line for workplace issues.

It was born from the belief that every person should have an advocate to support their professional journey and equip them with the skills to successfully handle complex work challenges.


If the person is analytically minded and crushed by an ill-fitting job, I would love to give them the support of a group.

My program, Crushed to Confident, is designed to get you un-crushed, help you rigorously evaluate and understand your current job, and confidently make decisions that feel good to you. Send them this link here: https://www.alifeofoptions.com/crushed-to-confident/

… to be the first to know more about the first round of 2019!

Now it’s time to take an action.

Which of these 5 ideas could you suggest to the person you’re thinking of?

To start, maybe simply share the link to this post or send them the link to Lindsay’s website to see how she might be able to help.

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